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Per l’accessibilitĂ  delle applicazioni web, nuova normativa passata a raccomandazione.

Status of This Document 1. Introduction
1.1. Rich Internet Application Accessibility
1.2. Target Audience
1.3. User Agent Support
1.4. Co-Evolution of WAI-ARIA and Host Languages 1.5. Authoring Practices
1.5.1. Authoring Tools
1.5.2. Testing Practices and Tools 1.6. Assistive Technologies
2. Using WAI-ARIA
2.1. WAI-ARIA Roles
2.2. WAI-ARIA States and Properties
2.3. Managing Focus
3. Normative Requirements for WAI-ARIA 4. Important Terms
5. The Roles Model
5.1. Relationships Between Concepts 5.1.1. Superclass Role
5.1.2. Subclass Roles
5.1.3. Related Concepts
5.1.4. Base Concept 5.2. Characteristics of Roles
5.2.1. Abstract Roles
5.2.2. Required States and Properties 5.2.3. Supported States and Properties 5.2.4. Inherited States and Properties 5.2.5. Required Owned Elements 5.2.6. Required Context Role
5.2.7. Accessible Name Calculation 5.2.8. Presentational Children
5.2.9. Implicit Value for Role
5.3. Categorization of Roles 5.3.1. Abstract Roles
5.3.2. Widget Roles
5.3.3. Document Structure 5.3.4. Landmark Roles
5.4. Definition of Roles
6. Supported States and Properties
6.1. Clarification of States versus Properties 6.2. Characteristics of States and Properties
6.2.1. Related Concepts 6.2.2. Used in Roles 6.2.3. Inherits into Roles 6.2.4. Value
6.3. Values for States and Properties
6.4. Global States and Properties
6.5. Taxonomy of WAI-ARIA States and Properties
6.5.1. Widget Attributes
6.5.2. Live Region Attributes 6.5.3. Drag-and-Drop Attributes 6.5.4. Relationship Attributes
6.6. Definitions of States and Properties (all aria-* attributes) 7. Implementation in Host Languages
7.1. Role Attribute
7.2. State and Property Attributes
7.3. Focus Navigation
7.4. Implicit WAI-ARIA Semantics
7.5. Conflicts with Host Language Semantics 7.6. State and Property Attribute Processing
8. Conformance
8.1. Non-interference with the Host Language
8.2. All WAI-ARIA in DOM
8.3. Assistive Technology Notifications Communicated to Web Applications 8.4. Conformance Checkers
9. References
9.1. Normative References 9.2. Informative References
10. Appendices
10.1. Schemata
10.1.1. Roles Implementation
10.1.2. WAI-ARIA Attributes Module
10.1.3. XHTML plus WAI-ARIA DTD
10.1.4. SGML Open Catalog Entry for XHTML+ARIA 10.1.5. WAI-ARIA Attributes XML Schema Module 10.1.6. HTML 4.01 plus WAI-ARIA DTD
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Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) 1.0
10.2. Mapping WAI-ARIA Value types to languages
10.3. WAI-ARIA Role, State, and Property Quick Reference 10.4. Acknowledgments
10.4.1. Participants active in the PFWG at the time of publication
10.4.2. Other ARIA contributors, commenters, and previously active PFWG participants 10.4.3. Enabling funders