Mi segno questo per parlarne con Panda 🙂
Anche se sembra un po complicato..
Slide: https://womble.decadent.org.uk/talks/lca2011-conf-video/
Fogli di calcolo da modificare online
Buon report di Spreadsheet esistenti:
Tra queste effettivamente meritano:
http://www.gelsheet.org/about    Integrabile con WP.
https://apps.owncloud.com/content/show.php/LibreOffice+Online?content=174455Â Openoffice APP per owncloud (dipende da Openoffice web da installare sul server)
Da tenere d’occhio:
DA lasciar perdere o adottare seriamente:
https://apps.owncloud.com/content/show.php/Spreadsheets?content=170678Â App di owncloud
his ownCloud 8.x spreadsheets plugin was mainly part of a research thesis for the Univeristy of Applied Sciences in Vorarlberg, Austria. As a result the app lacks a lot of handy features
Main motivation for developing this spreadsheet app for ownCloud was the following thread on Github: [App spec: spreadsheet editor #126]
# Development
At the moment, I don’t have time and intentions to continue development of this package. If you feel like you are missing functionality, or more importantly, came across a bug, feel free to fix it! For an indication of open issues, look at the ToDo list below.
### Version
0.1 Initial alpha release
### Tech
This app makes use of other open source libraries to parse and display the results. Thanks to them!
* [PHPExcel] A pure PHP library for reading and writing spreadsheet files
* [handsontable] an Excel-like data grid / spreadsheet for HTML & JavaScript.
* [handsontable-rulejs] Javascript library to parse excel formulas
### Installation
Simply go to your ownCloud installation and search for “spreadsheets” in the plugin section
### Todo’s
* Write Tests
* Add support for saving ODF files
* Add support for downloading files
* Add support for creating new files
* Add support to modify metadata
* Add support to alter worksheets (e.g. renaming, deleting and adding worksheets)
* Add support for file uploading on the app index
* Add support for sheet collaboration
* And a lot more… 😉
### Known issue(s)
* File date is displayed incorrectly
[GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0]
[GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0]:http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html
[App spec: spreadsheet editor #126]:https://github.com/owncloud/apps/issues/126
Collaborative Open MAP
DA provare perchè tutti open:
- https://www.ushahidi.com/ gestione del conflitto in Kenya,
What Exactly Is Crowdmap?
Crowdmap is designed and built by the people behind Ushahidi, a platform that was originally built to crowdsource crisis information. As the platform has evolved, so have its uses. Crowdmap allows you to set up your own map of Ushahidi without having to install it on your own web server.
Con questi termini di servizio: https://crowdmap.com/mhi/legal
Crowdmap reserves the right to terminate your Crowdmap Account(s) or restrict access to your Crowdmap Account(s), or to delete any content posted through your Crowdmap Account(s), including but not limited to entire Ushahidi maps, with or without notice, for any or for no reason, and without any liability to you.
Per sempio, http://www.maptomap.it/ usa una propria installazione ushahidi, mentre la protezione civile di calderara utilizza un account crowdmap: http://www.protezionecivilecalderara.org/
- http://openmapkit.org/Â Â Â Â Â red cross Scritto in python.
- http://mapgive.state.gov/  U.S. Department of State’s Humanitarian Information Unit
- cartodb non ha bisogno di rpesentazioni, ora ha anche l’app mobile per caricare dati in tempo reale
- Agenzie con mappe derivate da openstreetmap http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Commercial_OSM_Software_and_Services
Mappe cartacee collaborative!!! bello!! da provare a scuola:
ideina… ma usare una mappa su WP con possibilità di aggiungere i luoghi dai post!??!
risolverebbe tutto! 🙂
hum.. non sono la prima che lo pensa.. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12665799/wordpress-how-let-users-add-location-on-a-map
Tools x pubbliazione web:
http://openlayers.org/Â http://leafletjs.com/
wow, il gruppo OSM nepalese!
spunti gender gap in tech
W3C Push API
Ecco le API:
hum.. ecco..come il web diventa sempre più invasivo..
Ahh.. già i servizi gratis.. per un po e poi a pgamaento spinto!!
Set the Cordova CLI 6.0 workflow
- Android studio
- Java
- jdk – Java SE Development Kit 7u79
- node js
- configure BASH_profile
- node
- npm
- cordova CLI
- App!
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
5) dicevamo..
Node.js was installed at
npm was installed at
Make sure that /usr/local/bin is in your $PATH.
Vai di Terminale!!
controlla versione: cordova -v
cordova -v
crea progetto:
cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld
aggiungi plattaforma:
cordova platform add android
controlla versione della piattaforma
cordova platform list
controlla se ci sono aggiornamenti della piattaforma
cordova platform check
aggiorna piattaforma
cordova platform update android
aggiorna ADK
POi per fare le cose sul serio però bisogna generarsi una firma 🙂
Open source design
I’m updating owncloud.. waiting to move data directory..
that I thought to change a bit the CSS to coustomize for our brand..
SO I discovered the authors (http://jancborchardt.net/) and, with pleasure, the page of opensource design project.
I think that I want see if I can meet someone of these idea in FOSDEM..
… And I discovered also these festival: https://internetfreedomfestival.org/
use html5 lang tag to change language in js app
Both tools works good!
Centrare testo o immagini in viewport con CSS3
l’8 gennaio 2016 è Bert Bos in persona ad aggiornarci su come centrare immagini e testo nelle nostre app in html5.
fonte: https://www.w3.org/Style/Examples/007/center.en.html
Centrare è una azione che si fa spessissimo e che purtroppo non è mai stata banale, da quando hanno deprecato il meraviglioso tag CENTER.
Poi centrare orizzontalmente o verticalmente sono due paia di maniche ben differenti.
Quindo l’uso suggerito dal w3c per centrare in entrambi gli assi è:
<html> <style> body { background: white } section { background: black; color: white; border-radius: 1em; padding: 1em; position: absolute; top: 50%; left: 50%; margin-right: -50%; transform: translate(-50%, -50%) } </style> <section> <h1>Nicely centered</h1> <p>This text block is vertically centered. <p>Horizontally, too, if the window is wide enough. </section>
e funziona!
CSS animation, fast or slow?!
hum.. un bel dilemma!